Welcome and thanks for visiting my blog.

About my blog: When I returned to the U.S. after serving in the Peace Corps, I knew that my career path wasn't headed in a direction that would lead me to self-actualization and true fulfillment of my interests and gifts. Thus, I willingly embarked upon a quarterlife crisis.

I want to thank the hundreds of people who responded to e-mails, conversed in hallways and cafes, counseled me one-on-one, and even allowed me to job shadow.

A thorough search of my soul and spiritual guidance has led me to embark upon what I hope will be a career life filled with adventure, intellectual stimulation, and unending opportunities to help other people. I want to share my experience by publicly journaling in a blog. I hope that my journey will inspire and enlighten others who may face similar challenges that I did.

My Favorite Nursing Links

Everyone finds their favorite sites over time, but here are mine. Maybe one or two of them will become yours, too!!

ECG Pedia. It is like an encyclopedia but just for ECG's!

12 Lead ECG

Heart Sounds and Cardiac Arrhythmias==Blaufuss Tutorial

Life in the Fast Lane Blog===Emergency Medicine and Critical Care information

Johns Hopkins SON Career Advice Page